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OnTheMove for Veeva

AI Enabled Monitoring Visits for Veeva CTMS

Offline Monitoring Visits for Veeva CTMS

Simplified UI ➔ Reduced Report Write Up Time

Delight the CRAs

Designed for CROs and Sponsors, OnTheMove for Veeva allows CRAs to complete Veeva Monitoring Visit Reports with no internet connection and with a simplified user interface that reduces clicks and scrolling. It is a standard but easily configurable SaaS application.

OnTheMove for Veeva

OnTheMove for Veeva’s combination of offline and optimized user experience means that monitoring visit report write up takes less time. AI and the simplicity of everything being on one page reduce the possibility of errors. Target report submission times can be reduced. It is works with configured Veeva and is easily configured to support any other data process in any Vault.

Veeva CTMS Offline
Veeva CTMS Simplified
Veeva CTMS with AI

New! AI for MVRs

Improve & correct responses | In-built Translation

CRA retains 100% control and responsibility

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Reduce MVR Write Up time

Productivity improving UX

Everything in one place - minimized scrolling, clicks and navigation

Simple mass edit options

Offline MVRs for Veeva

No more note taking and duplicate entry - save time and improve data quality

Powerful, Robust Sync

Laptop, tablet or phone

Simple Implementation & Support

Standard product built specifically for Veeva CTMS

OnTheMove extends Veeva and is not a separate application

Fast configuration for your fields and processes

Validation scripts provided

Consulting Services available

Extensive Out of the Box Functionality

Questionnaire - with advanced features such as previous response reuse

Participants, Monitoring Activities, Follow Ups, Issues, ICFs, Subjects, Subject Visits, Enrollment Metrics, Attachments etc

Review Process

Communications Log

Extends to any Object in any Vault

Online and Offline access to all Veeva objects with superior UX

Find out more by watching a introductory video, requesting a full demo, accessing the deep dive videos, reading the FAQs or contacting us with a question.

Video: Introduction to OnTheMove for Veeva

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we ensure the deploying OnTheMove for Veeva makes our users more productive?

OnTheMove is not about changing your existing processes. The idea is to make them easier and faster to execute. Therefore, you don’t need extensive change management, but you do need to ensure that there are no glitches and that the users understand the requirements on them.

Pre Go Live: We have an approach called "Secure Achievement" that involves users from the outset. To delight the CRAs the small details matter. So, after your Veeva configuration is accessible via OnTheMove (but before formal testing), we recommend 2 sessions with a small group of actual users of the current Veeva MVR process to get them to complete some MVRs and comment.

Start Small: We normally recommend starting with 10 to 20 users. Because OnTheMove for Veeva can be thought of as an alternative window into Veeva CTMS, there is no need to go study by study or geography by geography. Instead, if you want, the group can be a diverse cross-section of user types. The point is to iron out any small problems: in the configuration; in your user switch-on process; in your training and week one support model.

Grow and Review: As you extend the rollout, in addition to any quantitative measures, we recommend Net Promoter Score surveys to ensure that you are meeting your objectives. We also suggest running small group feedback sessions to identify if there is anything that could simplified (or added) to further improve CRA efficiency.

Why is it easier to complete an MVR in OnTheMove for Veeva rather than in regular Veeva?

With an offline product, a CRA can write up in real time at sites with no internet access or whilst travelling – no more making notes and then trying to remember the context days later.

However, just as importantly, we have reimagined the MVR creation process to minimise clicks and show the user what they need to see when they need to see it. Creating a great user experience is all in the details but some of the things that we have done include:

  • The whole MVR can be completed on one page – no drilling down and navigating back
  • Seeing the questionnaire on the left of the screen at the same time as creating / editing (for example) a follow up on the right – no scrolling up and down and try to remember where you are

These details and many similar ones don’t just make for happier users. They save money as well. A simpler product means less time writing up an MVR and, critically, less chance of something being missed.

If I create or amend a protocol, or change a Report Template, will I need to reconfigure OnTheMove?

No. OnTheMove uses the definitions that you create in Veeva.

How does OnTheMove for Veeva support my Vault Configurations?

If, for example, you want to include new Vault fields or objects in the MVR process, OnTheMove is a fully configurable product, so it is simple to add the new fields or objects into the OnTheMove layouts.

How often do you release a new version of OnTheMove for Veeva?

We release in line with the regular Veeva releases, 3 times a year. Each release contains new functionality and any changes required to support Veeva changes.

Can OnTheMove for Veeva work with other Vault processes?

Yes, because we interact with Veeva via their standard REST API we can quickly extend OnTheMove for Veeva to work with any object in any Vault.

What’s the implementation process?

It’s quick – think just a few weeks from signing up to having a fully configured application available for testing. The main activities are to review any configuration that you have made to the MVR process in Veeva and identify any special requirements; to modify the out of the box OnTheMove configuration to reflect those; and to integrate to your single sign on provider. Either you can engage our consulting team to do the work or you can we can support your team through the process.

How do I physically deploy OnTheMove to my end users?

OnTheMove is a web application so users simply connect to the relevant url, sync and start working. There is no messing around with deploying via App Stores and the like.

OnTheMove for Veeva runs in a browser but is an offline application. How does that work?

We use the standard modern web technologies of Service Workers and Application Cache to store the UI and business logic offline and IndexedDB to store data inside the browser. We have written a flexible and configurable sync process to synchronize Monitoring Events between a user’s device and Veeva.

What devices do you support?

We can run on any device with a suitable, modern HTML5 browser (for example Chrome, Safari, Edge). We have customers using OnTheMove on Windows desktops and laptops, MacBooks, iPads, iPhones and Android phones.

How does OnTheMove interact with Veeva?

Our sync process interacts with Vault via Veeva’s standard REST API. The whole application and approach has been reviewed and approved by the Veeva technical team.

How do you prevent sync failures?

This is a really important question and not one that we can fully answer in a short FAQ section. In summary:

  • If a monitoring event is checked out to OnTheMove, we don’t allow it to be edited in Veeva at the same time
  • Prior to sync back of any changes, we double check that the data has not been changed on the server since that last download. If it has then the normal situation is that we show the user both versions and ask the user which version they want to "win". An audit trail of the situation and the user’s decision is recorded in the sync log

Please let us know if you want to explore this topic in more detail.

Is OnTheMove for Veeva a SaaS application, like Veeva?


Is OnTheMove for Veeva Validated?

As part of purchasing a subscription, you get access to all of our validation requirements and test documentation.

How much does it cost?

Please contact us and with just a few facts about your situation we can provide a good indication. We generally find that monthly subscription costs are vastly outweighed by the potential savings in CRA efficiency.

Please contact us and we will do our best to answer the question as quickly as possible.